white memorise−白の記憶−


Dream character profile
Mission 0‐prologue‐
Mission 1‐ice cage‐
Mission 2‐a memento‐
Mission 3‐a departure‐
Mission 4‐place of the opening-
Mission 5‐gun name is 『White wolf』‐
Mission 6‐red and white‐
Mission 7‐Welcome to 『DevilMayCry』!‐
Mission 8‐each other's favorite things‐
Mission 9‐business partner‐
Mission 10‐Insanity of the moonlit night‐
Mission 11‐The devil or a human being‐
Mission 12‐lost voice‐
Mission 13‐close person-
Mission 14-power to melt together-
Mission 15-pain to share-
Mission 16‐border line‐
Mission 17‐Shall we dance?‐
Mission 18-sudden news‐
Mission 19-rain of sorrow‐
Mission 20-my dear‐

- ナノ -