Are you ready?


Wild Tiger
cryonicsDependence 200%SelfishEscapeA necklacemistake

Barnaby Brooks Jr.
Mum's the word.It's not funny!No amount of grief...Thinking circuitAbnormalityYou are my thing
My bride isonly you.Like breeds the like?A throat is hot.Gentleman allianceYour idealmonochromeREDpistolsalivabreak

You like non-every day.And U.You are kidnaped by me.Your color.I cannot understand.その手を伸ばせば今すぐに殺してくれれば、楽なのに

Origami Cyclone
A ghost can also become a hero.Shitsuren?純情少年、猩々緋


BL小説 BLove
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