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無分類 2014/12/17 20:14
・Steiner, U. K. and Gaston, A. J. 2005.
Reproductive consequences of natal dispersal in a highly philopatric seabird. Behav. Ecol. 16: 634-639.
・Double, M. C., Peakall, R., Beck, N. R. and Cockburn, A. 2005.
Dispersal, philopatry and infidelity: dissecting local genetic structure in superb fairy-wrens (Malurus cyaneus). Evolution 59: 625-635.
ルリオーストラリアムシクイのローカルな遺伝的構造(2D LSA事例)
Reproductive consequences of natal dispersal in a highly philopatric seabird. Behav. Ecol. 16: 634-639.
・Double, M. C., Peakall, R., Beck, N. R. and Cockburn, A. 2005.
Dispersal, philopatry and infidelity: dissecting local genetic structure in superb fairy-wrens (Malurus cyaneus). Evolution 59: 625-635.
ルリオーストラリアムシクイのローカルな遺伝的構造(2D LSA事例)
無分類 2014/09/25 17:18
・Fortin, M. J. and Dale, M. 2005.
Spatial analysis. a guide for ecologists. Cambridge Univ. Press.
・Ibarguchi, G., Gissing, G. J., Gaston, A. J., Boag, P. T. and Friesen, V. L. 2004.
Male-biased mutation rates and the overestimation of extrapair paternity: problem, solution, and illustration using thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia, Alcidae). J. Hered. 95: 209-216.
・Ibarguchi, G., Gaston, A. J. and Friesen, V. L. 2011.
Philopatry, morphological divergence, and kin groups: structuring in thick-billed murres Uria lomvia within a colony in Arctic Canada. J. Avian Biol. 42: 134-150.
・Keller, L. F. and Arcese, P. 1998.
No evidence for inbreeding avoidance in a natural population of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). Am. Nat. 152: 380-392.
繁殖を遅らせる or しないコストよりも近親交配のコストは低い?(が、長寿命な種ではそんなに低くない)
・Peakall, R. and Smouse, P. E. 2006.
GenAlEx 6: genetic analysis in Excel. Population genetic software for teaching and research. Mol. Ecol. Not. 6: 288-295.
・Smouse, P. E. and Peakall, R. 1999.
Spatial autocorrelation analysis of individual multiallele and multilocus genetic structure. Heredity 82: 561-573.
・Rabouam, C., Thibault, J. C. and Bretagnolle, V. 1998.
Natal philopatry and close inbreeding in Cory’s shearwater (Calonectris diomeda). Auk 115: 483-486.
オニミズナギドリの新規オスは、自身の父親がまだnatal siteあるいはコロニー内にいる場合、そこで繁殖することは稀
・Wheelwright, N. T. and Mauck, R. A. 1998.
Philopatry, natal dispersal, and inbreeding avoidance in an island population of savannah sparrows. Ecology 79: 755-767.
クサチヒメドリの若鳥は高度にphilopatricだが、自身の親(異性)がまだnatal territoryで繁殖している場合はそこに定住しない
Spatial analysis. a guide for ecologists. Cambridge Univ. Press.
・Ibarguchi, G., Gissing, G. J., Gaston, A. J., Boag, P. T. and Friesen, V. L. 2004.
Male-biased mutation rates and the overestimation of extrapair paternity: problem, solution, and illustration using thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia, Alcidae). J. Hered. 95: 209-216.
・Ibarguchi, G., Gaston, A. J. and Friesen, V. L. 2011.
Philopatry, morphological divergence, and kin groups: structuring in thick-billed murres Uria lomvia within a colony in Arctic Canada. J. Avian Biol. 42: 134-150.
・Keller, L. F. and Arcese, P. 1998.
No evidence for inbreeding avoidance in a natural population of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). Am. Nat. 152: 380-392.
繁殖を遅らせる or しないコストよりも近親交配のコストは低い?(が、長寿命な種ではそんなに低くない)
・Peakall, R. and Smouse, P. E. 2006.
GenAlEx 6: genetic analysis in Excel. Population genetic software for teaching and research. Mol. Ecol. Not. 6: 288-295.
・Smouse, P. E. and Peakall, R. 1999.
Spatial autocorrelation analysis of individual multiallele and multilocus genetic structure. Heredity 82: 561-573.
・Rabouam, C., Thibault, J. C. and Bretagnolle, V. 1998.
Natal philopatry and close inbreeding in Cory’s shearwater (Calonectris diomeda). Auk 115: 483-486.
オニミズナギドリの新規オスは、自身の父親がまだnatal siteあるいはコロニー内にいる場合、そこで繁殖することは稀
・Wheelwright, N. T. and Mauck, R. A. 1998.
Philopatry, natal dispersal, and inbreeding avoidance in an island population of savannah sparrows. Ecology 79: 755-767.
クサチヒメドリの若鳥は高度にphilopatricだが、自身の親(異性)がまだnatal territoryで繁殖している場合はそこに定住しない
無分類 2014/09/24 16:21