name change

01.He was not so kind.But
02.It hasn't hit me.
03.The vow that was not able never to be kept was done.
04.He was laughing.
05.You were fortunate and also me.
06.Her favorite food is a
07.An anemone girl and a poppy boy.
08.Thinking cannot be stopped.
09.In order to bring forth something rather than to destroy.
10.There is not the answer.
11.To ride one's shanks' mare
12.The man was looking at them calmly.
13.Poison takes effect.
14.It shakes between a dream and reality.
15.The world is not moved so well.
16.At this time I can't go back.
17.Making up my mind means separation.
18.A painful thing is good later.
19.Under a blue sky.
20.He desired another life.
21.What is inherited, and the thing which tells it.
22. An unconscious resistance declaration.
23.It returns to the beginning.
24.Blood relatives awake power.
25.Birds of a feather flock together.
26.A requiem becomes a basket of spirit.
27.Never hurry, never worry, and you will be yourself.
28.I can leave it to them.
29.It is importance of life.
29,5.Nothing makes sense in this world.
30.A friend of a friend is friend.
31.I look to the future with hope.
32.The connect got disconnected.
33.when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you.
33,5.I cut off a necessary thing.
34.His fate is not by chance but inevitable.
35.Blue and green to sting eyes.
36.He is a master of the battles.
37.Use as a weapon whatever lies ready to hand.
38.Probability of precipitation of Luxor City is approximately zero percent.
39.A limit of the revision.
40.I arrive at Cairo in half day.
41.Only their fate cannot change any Stand.
42.The thing to dwell in if do not name it does not dwell.
43.True valor lies between cowardice and rashness.
44.It becomes past without being able to catch up with it hastily.
45.Evil and Justice are the same things.
46.The burden is off my shoulders.
47.Emerald Rain
48."b3" and "k3w"
49.Letting Go of Attachments.
50.Rain of the desert.
51. Aschman is ” "
52.It’s all about the journey, not the outcome.
