- ナノ -

Mother Goose Corpus

ところどころ破けてかなり字が薄くなっている。 中には消えていたり、手書きで塗り潰したり訂正された部分も見られる。

A to C

  1. As I walked by myself
  2. As white as milk
  3. A was an apple pie
  4. As I was going to St. Ives

  5. Banbury Cross

  6. Christmas days
  7. Come hither, sweet robin
      (おいで コマドリちゃん)
  8. Contrary Mary

D to F

  1. The Days of Month
  2. Doors of hearts

  3. For want of a nail?

G to I

  1. Goosey, goosey, gander
      (ガア ガア ガチョウさん)

  2. Humpty Dumpty
  3. Hot cross buns!
  4. How many miles to Babylon?

  5. If all the seas were one sea
  6. I had a little nut tree
  7. In marble walls

J to L

  1. Jack and Jill
  2. January Brings The Snow

  3. Lavender's blue
  4. The Lion and the unicorn
  5. Lizzie Borden
  6. Lock and Key

M to O

  1. A Man in the wilderness
  2. A Man of words and not of deeds
  3. My mother has killed me

  4. Now I lay me down to sleep
  5. Now what do you think ?

  6. One I love
      (1 愛してる)
  7. An Old woman named Peg
  8. One morning
  9. One two buckle my shoe

P to S

  1. Peter Piper

  2. The Queen of Hearts

  3. Rabbit Pie
  4. Remember remember

  5. Solomon Grundy
  6. A Swarm of bees in May

T to V

  1. Taffy was a Welshman
  2. Teddy bear
  3. Ten little ■■■
      (10人の     )
  4. The Toad and the Frog
  5. There was a crooked man
  6. This is the key of the kingdom

  7. Untidy Man
  8. Up street and down street

  9. Vintery, mintery, cutery, corn
      (葡萄に ミントに お菓子に コーン)

W to Z

  1. Wee Willie Winkie
  2. What did I dream?
      (いったいどんな 夢だっけ?)
  3. When the wind lies in the east
  4. Who killed Cock Robin?
  5. A Wise man

  6. Yankee Doodle
