


There was disruption earlier at today's football match between the Raccoon Sharks and the Old Court Thunders.
Apparently the game was interrupted when an unruly fan went out of control and sparked a riot.
The number of injuries is not yet known.
But more than 50 local law enforcement officers......on the scene are still trying to...


Aren't you eating anything?
Hey, Bob, where's your mind at?



Huh? What a wired customer...


Who is this guy?


Damn it! He's unconscious! Are you alright?


What are you doing?!


What the hell...was that?!


《Jack's Bar前》


Attention, everyone. Due to the riots in progress, this area will be closed off soon. Please proceed to this check point immediately. If you do not leave the area in time, we cannot guarantee your safety.


You startled me. I'm surprised you're still alive.
The whole city is a war zone. We need all the help we can get.
Now, move the police car over there to build a barricade. Go!


Oh god, they're getting closer. We've got to go! Now!


Shit! Hey, listen! You should go now. Huh?


That's a fuel tank!
Leak the gas, use it to burn these bastards! Do it now!



This is the Raccoon City Police Department. Please try to stay calm.
Vehicles are standing by to commence evacuation.
We need everyone here as quick as possible.


That's it, then? Get in, please.


The highway is too dangerous.
We're taking side streets. Damn! Another barricade.
As you can see, there are too many road blocks.
I'm afraid you'll have to get out and continue on foot.




Oh that smell... That's the odor I never wanted to experience again.

This can't be real...

Dear Lord... What happened to everyone?

What a mess...

Oh no... no... The city is gone..

No... No... it can't be. So many...

I never imagined this was that bad...



Eric, what's taking so long? Hurry up!

I'm trying! I'm almost done.

Hurry, hurry! This way!

Okay, it's done!


What should I do?!



Now that was a rush...

I'm getting too old for this.



That was intense...

We made it...

We did it!

It looks like we're safe for now.


Everything started to go wrong from then.
No, maybe we just didn't realize things have been going wrong for a long time.
Dead people wander the city in search of the living.
Hmph, when that becomes normal, I know that is time to just give up.

This was just a horrible situation from the start.
But the battlefield is always there to deal with.
And you must always fight to win.
That was all I can think of at that time.

That day, luck was definitely not on my side.
You think you got problems? You think you're a badass?
Man, you don't know shit.

Looking back, it was just the beginning of a nightmare.
Seeing a city filled with corpses and surrounded by flames, I couldn't help wondering...how long I would last.

I was probably laughing...laughing at such an unrealistic site, the way people casually walk through dead bodies.
But more than anything else, I was laughing at myself for being so naive.

As a newspaper reporter, I had been involved with bizarre cases before.
But this time I had to learn the hard way that my past experiences were useless.
When a horror movie becomes reality, a person's sanity can disappear instantly.
I was moving on pure survival instinct.

Who could've ever imagined that such a day like this would come?
With all of the tragedy surrounding us, I felt insignificant.
But it's different now.
I believe that I will survive anything.
I'm scared, but I have to keep going.

The average human being apparently uses ten percent of its brain capacity, and though every single experience, every drop of information is stored somewhere in the deep recess of a person's subconscious, at that moment, my mind knew only one thing - "run."


Yesterday, just before dawn, the Pentagon announced that radioactive waste has been leaked throughout Raccoon City.
In accordance with US safety regulations, the city has been placed under quarantine, and the army has been sent in to investigate and control the situation.


BL小説 BLove
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