Dear Franz



A kiss on the hand is the meaning of respect.
A kiss on the forehead is the meaning of friendship.
A kiss on the cheek is the meaning of courtesy.
A kiss on the lip is the meaning of love.
A kiss on the eyelids are the meaning of admiration.
A kiss on the palm is the meaning of plead.
A kiss on the neck or the arm is the meaning of desire.
……And others are the meaning of insanity.

─Franz Grillparzer

Main contents


唇の上ならば 禪院真希
髪の上ならば 折原臨也
瞼の上ならば 五条悟
足の上ならば 伏黒甚爾
爪先の上ならば 煉獄杏寿郎
喉の上ならば 坂田銀時
腹の上ならば ギルガメッシュ
背中の上ならば 夏油傑
鼻/耳の上ならば 両面宿儺/虎杖悠仁

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